Saturday, 15 March 2014

Easter Nail Ideas: Mini Eggs-Inspired Nails with L'Oreal Confetti Top Coat

L'Oreal Color Riche Nail Top Coat Confetti

With Easter coming up in just over a month away (insert sentence here about how quickly this year has gone?!) and Model's Own relasing their answer to Illamasqua's speckled polishes I thought I'd post the budget way to achieve Mini Eggs-inspired nails. While Model's Own's new range of Speckled Egg polishes are much cheaper than Illamasqua's range, (£5 compared to £14) to get the look of the different colours of Mini Eggs you'd have to invest in at least a couple of them which still works out quite pricey. 

However L'Oreal's Confetti top coat, which usually costs less than £5, can be used for just the same effect! Being a top coat you can paint it over any colour you want so for the image above I just painted it over some Mini Egg-like colours I already owned. I wore this manicure last weekend and got lots of compliments on it so I'll definitely have to repeat it for the Easter weekend!

Monday, 10 March 2014

Leicester Clothing & Beauty Haul [picture heavy post!]

Being on a student budget means I don't really have the money like I used to have to do haul posts very much anymore but when I visited my flatmate's house in Leicester this weekend we ended up doing a fair bit of spontaneous shopping so I thought I'd share my purchases. I wasn't really meant to do any shopping at all as I'm supposed to be saving but luckily this lot ended up costing me less than £20 so I don't feel too guilty!
Clothing & Accessories
New Look Cat Earring - 50p
New Look Knit Scarf - £1
F&F at Tesco Crochet Shoulder Jumper - £8
Primark Daisy Tiered Necklace - £1.50
Accessorize Bow Ring - £5 (£4.50 with student discount)

I found some incredible bargains in New Look - a cat earring for 50p and a scarf for just £1! The cat earring was missing his friend so they let me have him for 50p and the scarf was £1 down from £9.99 in the sale. I thought they'd got the price wrong when I first found it!

There was also a sale on at Tesco so I bought this pretty jumper which was £8 down from £16. Not that I really need *another* jumper but it goes so well with the daisy necklace I'd bought from Primark the previous day so obviously I just *had* to buy it... The bow ring from Accessorize was also another naughty purchase. Accessorize do the prettiest rings and this one is no exception - it is so cute and dainty. My flatmate even bought the same one for herself as well. We are terrible influences on each other for shopping.

Primark Nail Art Pen Trio - £2
Barry M Nail Paint in Grey - £2.99
Pound Shop Perfume - £1

Beauty-wise I also found a few bargains. From Primark's new P.S. Love beauty range I found this set of nail art pens for £2. I've wanted to try some nail art pens for a while and I thought for just £2 for three you can't really go wrong. Of course, being a a nail polish addict I couldn't just stop there so I also spent my Boots points on this Barry M nail polish which I had spotted one of my flatmate's friends wearing over the weekend.

I also bought this perfume from a pound shop (I can't remember which one exactly sorry). I thought it'd be a good daily fragrance but I have to admit that now I'm home I'm not really sure about the scent! I think the bottle looks similar to Jean Paul Gaultier Classique so either way it'll look pretty on my shelf, even if it never ends up moving from there!

What have you been buying recently? Have you tried perfume from a pound shop?